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Sick Ruby tetra

Mark Sky

New Member
28 Jun 2024
Bognor Regis
Hi all, I have a small school of ruby tetra in a comunity tank every now and yhen ones insides will begin to turn black. They seem to cary on fine apart from loosing colour but eventually die. None of my local fish shops have been able to identify the issue. They are in a 100 ltr well planted tank with no agresive fish all water perameters are fine. The tank has been up and running for about 18 months. I'll try an attatch a photo.
Thanks Mark.20250108_170927.jpg


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It's a difficult one bacterial l guess, although it could be parasitic but because its a fish every so often ,as long as everything else water etc is OK? treating with all around medicine might be worth a go esha 2000 maybe
Hi Paraguay, sorry for late reply. Thank you, you are the first person to give any sort of positive answer. I have got some treament (NT labs one) I'll get them in a hospital tank and guve it a go.
Thanks again
All the best Mark🙏🙂
Have you lost any more fish?

Necrotic tissue can look blackened and some abnormal growths (tumours) can look very dark like this but I can’t say it’s either of those that’s going on.

In the absence of swelling or odd looking lumps, I wonder if there’s a slow moving infection underlying this.

Unfortunately , there are a number of fungal and fungal-like organisms that are causing serious emerging disease issues in fish.

If it happens to be a true fungus or opmycote that’s causing this, antibiotics wouldn’t help even if you could get them prescribed by a vet.

I’d want to QT all affected fish if only to ensure that any fish that dies is not scavenged by any tankmates and hopefully to reduce the spread of whatever might be causing this.