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Siamese algae eaters devouring plants


New Member
20 Jan 2021
I have three SAE and they are eating my plants. I bought Blyxa Japonica and they ate all that. I bought Postogemon Helferi and they make it look crappy by eating half of each leaf. They are even eating my Hygrophila Pinnatifida!!! I mean, honestly. I feed them algae wafers, live food, dry food and even blanched courgettes. I have just bought solient green Repashy to see if it makes any difference. Do any of you have had these kind of experiences? I so want to have flowing Blyxa. What about utricularia graminifolia? Will they eat that? Help!
From what I've read, there are a few different species sold as SAE, all very similar to each other and very hard to distinguish. There is probably also the individual personalities of each fish to explain these behaviors. Because of that, information online about their behavior is all over the place, ranging from harmless to severe plant eaters.

I had 3 SAE in my tank and had all my mosses slowly eaten and also occasionally other plants like the staurogyne. I never saw them eating the plants, though. At some point I got fed up of it and gave all 3 away and bought a new one. I have never had these issues again.

So whatever the reason is, it looks to me like a matter of luck.
Yes. My SAEs started eating Walichii and Blyxa when they reached a certain size. These were confirmed SAEs, and did great at algae control as juveniles.

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Thank-you all for replying with your experiences. The three SAE that I have are true SAE. They are by far the most entertaining fish in the tank and even though they are 'naughty' I would never remove them. I also have the 'mistake' algae eater - which turned out to be a Golden Chinese Algae eater. He (or she) is still in the tank too and while quite territorial actually is quite good at keeping surfaces clean. It has a proper sucker mouth and spends all day cleaning stones, leaves, etc. So the 'mistake' turned out to actually be quite ok. The only problem with the CAE is that it is rather huge. But I am keeping it too as I just can't give fish away. He has been there for three years now. The real cleaners I would say are all the shrimp and my five Nerite snails. Btw, I have ordered the utricularia graminifolia. Let's see what will happen.. The story continues. 🐠