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Shrimp King?

yeah he's the man. have ordered before and am about to order again.
Delivery is amazing too. 😀
its a new website, i was talking to the guy only yesterday and he said his business has needed an upgrade so to speak.
The shrimp are good and the delivery is swish. Only problem is royal mail striking all the time!
Haven't purchased anything from this guy before, but he is a friendly person, used to chat with him on facebook when I was registered there.
Sounds like a decent seller then! Will certainly be using him in future.
chump54 said:
has anyone seen a more expensive shrimp? i'm sure there must be some out there.
Yeah I saw those, ridiculous prices in my opinion, anything above £15 for a single shrimp is taking it a little too far. Unless you really want to breed them and make a business out of it, but I don't think he will sell many of those if any!
Hi all,

I have just ordered some CRS will let you know my experience of the seller when they arrive (should be Friday 27th November) he has an 'alive on delivery' policy.

Will update forum on Friday,

Jon :shock: 😱 :? :?: :clap:

Well, I get shrimps a few times from this guy[About 12 all together]. Always in perfect condition. I`m awaiting for first baby shrimp [CBS Hinomaru].