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Shrimp ID


16 Apr 2015
I got it with the sherries, first noticed only one, bit smaller, much longer legs, longer antenna and different snout.. Now i have more of these and also developed color, more like red tiger stripes.. They also seem to gather, sometimes i see more of the same hudling up..

Is it a cherry cross breed or a different sp. i realy have no clue about shrimps. 🙂

This is the best pic i could get till now, they are rather small and rarely out in the open. I hope it's enough for someone to ID them. Right hand is cherry and left? (Red tiger?)

thanx.. 🙂
Ok thanks guys 🙂.. Funny they are so different in build too, the males are much more elegant. Much longer legs. Then i have a few very lucky boys at the time.. Only count 5 or 6 of them and the other 30 most be girls. Actualy find them more beautifull with the red tiger stripes and slimmer figure.