Nymp. hyd. 'Taiwan' is one of the plants Amano shrimp will attack first, when in shortage of other food (=starving).
Mosses are first in line, too - Vesicularias ( ex. christmas and wheeping) are first to be eaten, followed by Taxiphyllums ( ex. java, spiky and flame).
I have had a carpet of Eleocharis 'mini' disappearing within a few days, but those where a large number of extreemely large Amano's, starving after cleaning up a heavy mess of green algae (= my own fault for not taking them out or feed them proberly).
- notice, that Amano's (and ramshorn snails) often will attack an unhealthy leaf, long before you can actually see the leaf is dying (ex. a leaf that is in transition from emerse to submerse or an old, leaf).........they can somehow "smell" the distress of the leaf. In these cases, new healthy leaves are left untouched.