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Show Us Your.... 4ft Tanks!


6 May 2015
Kent (UK)
Apologies if this has been done before!

Sometimes it is hard to get an idea of scale with images online, so I thought it would be nice to have a minimal chat thread with images of certain sized tanks. In this case, anything around 4ft 🙂 It is a slightly selfish endeavour as I'm after inspiration for mine, but it would be great if other threads popped up for 2ft, 3ft, 5ft, 6ft etc!

May I suggest helpful information along with your images such as height, depth, dosing, lighting etc to help those of us less experienced out?

Post away! 🙂
My 4ft (120cm) tank in it's build up stage.
tank size: 120x45x55
2 canister filters 1550 liter per hour output each (but because external CO2 reactors and chiller the output is greatly reduced)
1 power head 2000 liter per hour output attached to a spray bar.
4 T5's but only 2 running at the same time for 7 hours (the tubes are also covered with alu-foil rings for about 1/3)
CO2 via pressure bottles injected via 2 reactors
PPS-pro nutrients dosing
50% water change every week
