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Shingetsu [update] new pics! 19/2/11 Go away diatoms!


29 Aug 2008
Vauxhall, London.
Well this is my first Ukaps journal, and i have to say i am very excited, ive had a few attempts at planted tanks before, but never really had enough money to go all out and do it properly so they weren't a great success, i had a 4foot iwagumi before that i never posted pictures of, and it went well for about a 2 months, then i lapsed in my maintenance and things went to pot, i ran it as fish and substrate only for a year, then took it down, before that i had a 3 footer, that was pretty low tech, grew lots of hygros, dwarf sag, lotus bulbs, and vallis.

i recently got given this 18Lx12Wx15H from a family friend, i chucked most of the equipment i got given with it as it was pretty dodgy.

the substrate i have in there is eco-complete, and ive got some rocks i collected on the banks of the thames (im pretty sure its granite) but thats all going to change, im debating whether to get the oliver knott soil or the ada amazonia, im just worried about clouding, and long term lifespan, as i would like to be able to use the substrate for a long time, being able to rescape as neccesary, any reviews or advice would be really helpful, and im also going to change the rocks, probably to either seiryu stone or dragon stone, depends what the lfs has in at the time.

the light is a 36w power compact t5, i think the tank works out at about 11gal so thats around 3/4 wpg, which is a bit high, but im going to blast the tank with co2 at setup as there will be no fish for the first month or so, ive also got some easycarbo incase i do get algae issues, im going to be running a 6500k bulb in the light.

Co2 is via a 2kg FE with an UP regulator, going to be diffusing via an UP atomizer inline diffuser,

filter is the old JBL model cristal profi 500, rated 1200 lph, heating is via a 200w hydor inline, filter media is bio ball bags in bottom, 1 tray of ceramic rings, 1 tray of coarse sponges, and the top tray is a mix of coarse and super fine sponges, going to be using floss on the top when i want to take pictures too.
water will enter the tank through spraybar, ive got to mod a sponge onto the end of the filter inlet as im going to be stocking with shrimp.

im going to be dosing full EI via pre mixed home-made solutions, KNo3 KH2PO4 and AE Trace. 5ml of macro 3 days a week and 2.5ml of micros 3 days a week, alternate days.

water changes will be 50% everyday for the first 2 weeks, then 50% every other day for 2 weeks, then 50% twice weekly for the rest of the tanks life. filling via a hose, no heated water, just dechlor.

as far as planting goes i am going to be planting HC at the very front of the tank, blended to eleocharis parvula in the middle, some pogostemon helferi inbetween the hardscape, and micranthemum micranthemoides at the rear, i might change the MM for some rotala wallichea to add a hint of red and orange though. substrate will be planted with 80/90% coverage, using 20 pots, i dont want to have the same plant biomass issues i did in the 4 foot.

like i said all the hardscape is going to be rearranged with new rock and aquasoil, let me know what you think and if you have any advice or constructive critiscism then please share it, heres a few pics to get all your tastebuds going, 🙂 Cheers, Gus.

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Re: first ukaps journal. 🙂 18 inch iwagumi.

Hi fozziebear,
It would be a great help if you could re-size your photos as it is very difficult to read the post.

Re: first ukaps journal. 🙂 18 inch iwagumi.

Hi Gus,

Yeah, I was hoping the image could be resized to 600 pixels by 480 pixels or something similar. Doesn't imageshack have a tool to do that? Now it's easy to read the post but the images are thumbnails. I wasn't trying miniaturize or de-emphasize your photos, really I wasn't. 🙁

You see where the thumbnail says that the image is 1024 x 768? What that does is it draws the image at full size 1024 pixels across the screen, which takes up most of the screen. That's why it was so awkward looking at full size.

I played around with this first image and it seems to be smaller than before. Not sure how it appears on your screen. I couldn't get the second image down to this medium size.

Is there an Imageshack doctor in the house???

Re: first ukaps journal. 🙂 18 inch iwagumi.

yeah i gathered what you meant, i just inserted the thumbnails as i wanted the pictures to have a zoom ability to a larger size, these are throwaway pictures anyway really, the proper aquascape pics will come when i get some rock and aquasoil from aquatic design centre.
Re: Shingetsu [update] 18/1/11

hey all just a little update i got my new seiryu stone and some ada amazonia 1 and had a bit of a scape. 🙂

i used osmocote on the bottom of the tank, then added about 9l of amazonia, after about an hour of faffing and shaping the substrate all different ways i decided to go for a big mound up to one side, and i let my girlfriend have a go at placing some rocks, she placed the largest one perfectly, and she placed a few small ones then i did the rest, i still havent shaped the substrate properly or given the tank a good clean, but you get some idea of the rock placement, im pretty sure its final now. 🙂 you can also see my new UP atomizer to the right, cant believe how fine the bubbles are!

enough talking heres the scape!

Re: Shingetsu [update] 18/1/11

I've taken that into account, but that was kind of the point to have the plants cascading ovr the rocks, i wanted it to look quite natural.
Re: Shingetsu [update] 18/1/11

Finally! its here! new pics! i apologize for the terrible quality! ive got a really bad camera and i was knackered by the end of doing everything.

okay so i got my plants from TGM on saturday last week, got the plants from theplanttank on friday, dispatched thursday due to no hc in stock.

On the left 6 pots of hc, on the right 4 pots of lilaeopsis mauritiana, and 4 pots of eleocharis acicularis.

The tank after planting.


Top view of the planting.


And my Wabi Farm of lilaeopsis. 🙂

Re: Shingetsu [update] 5/2/11

looks good mate

i can tell ts going to grow into a really decent scape, where did the hc come from? looks quite decen so im hoping its from plantedtank, because there cheap as chips 😀

whats the plan with the 'wabi farm'
Re: Shingetsu [update] 5/2/11

the HC came from http://www.theplanttank.co.uk, i used their ebay to order it, theplanttank is their username, the pots were really nice and healthy, well packed too, aquafleur plants from MA.

the plan with the wabi farm is to hopefully get it to grow then sell it you guys! hehe 🙂 and maybe use some on future scapes 😉
Re: Shingetsu [update] 5/2/11

Looking great fozzi, can't wait to see that carpet grown in 🙂
Re: Shingetsu [update] 5/2/11

Realised you are in Vauxhall. Im in Victoria.

Looking forward to seeing the plants to grown in.
Re: Shingetsu [update] 5/2/11

3 days in! time for More pics, only marginally better quality but not so many bubbles!


Side shot to show how deep the mound really is! must be about 6-7 inches deep but i havent measured it yet.

another top shot you can see the E acicularis, ive cut it right down as per mark evans instructions, cheers mate :thumbup:

As far as the plants go the hc has stretched out a bit going upwards, im seeing some new small roots on the lilaeopsis, and nothing from the acicularis as of yet.

*edit* ive also added the TGM opaque background for these pics, doesnt make much difference on the pics if im honest, but makes an immense difference in the flesh, it really adds a sense of depth, and looks great with different coloured lights place behind.
Ive been doing my maintenance like a cleaner with OCD, lol! ive been fishing out any bits of broken or dead plant as soon as i see em, i removed the sponge from the filter inlet untill i get livestock then it will go back.

ive been doing daily 50% water changes, and dosing macros and trace on alternate days, 5ml macro, 2.5ml trace per day, 1ml easycarbo per day, been trying to settle down the co2 to a nice rhythm overnight, currently comes on 3 hours before lights on (due to pressure buildup needed on the UP atomizer) and off 1 hour before lights off, the DC is still slightly dark before lights on, but half hour after lights on its lime green.
Re: Shingetsu [update] new pics! 8/2/11

Its coming along very nicely mate! 🙂 Have you got any ideas on stocking yet?
Re: Shingetsu [update] new pics! 8/2/11

stocking will probably be Fish: heteromorpha hengeli or espei. Shrimp: caridina sp cherry and caridina multidentata (amano) and if not cherries then something else from the lfs, not too bothered as long as its 2 species that wont cross breed. going to be having oto's aswell. ive got 53L + 7L overrated filter to play with so i will come up with some stocking along them lines, not stocking till its grown in though.