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Seven Moss Cube

Oh ok, my understanding was LC is a way you can bolster carbon levels to make sure there isn't a short fall, unless you've got flora or fauna that are extra sensitive to it (sensitive shrimp, Vallis etc). It's not really just treating the symptom if the root cause is a short fall of carbon, although I take your point about balancing light levels to fauna's tolerance of co2 first. I've been dosing LC at 3/4 recommended level since the start of the tank with no ill effects (bar some damage to Riccardia right at the beginning when I painted it on directly to treat fungus on the wood). It seems unlikely it is the cause of the Otto's behaviour currently, since the level has been stable since almost the start.
I did just discover, while moving the outlet to disturb the surface a little more since I don't have the co2 right for the fish yet, that part of my DIY outlet was blocked, which means the flow won't have been doing what I thought it was, which won't have been helping matters.
Getting overgrown...

Ludwigia growing deep red in a tin tub in the garden. A few weeks ago the water was pea-soup green until I put in two small willow branches. The green water cleared within 8 hrs, it was amazing.
Willow branches? That's a new one on me Joel, would you mind sharing please? Thanks!
Well, it's something I'd read about on a few threads here and there. Mostly trying to establish whether it would work to clear green water or not. Those threads all seemed inconclusive.

Since this pond/tub is just a place for me to keep daphnia and the odd plant in the garden (Daphnia would probably prefer the water green, but never mind), I remembered the idea when walking by a weeping willow in a nearby park so I grabbed a couple of small sprigs and popped them in one evening. I wasn't expecting any kind of immediate result, presuming that they'd need to put down roots etc, so I was astonished when I looked the next morning and found the water totally clear. Nothing else had changed. The sprigs then all but died, though one now has some small leaves, but the water's stayed clear ever since, even though the tub has had a lot more sunshine than when the water first went green. May all be a coincidence, but as I said nothing else was changed then or since.


A little calmer since I dropped the light level and removed the Ottos to another tank. Green Neons still there, just hiding for the photo. Have brought the light back up from 50% now I'm back from being away but only to 65%. BBA growing up the glass CO2 pipe, right in the flow, but not so much anywhere else.
Well, it's something I'd read about on a few threads here and there. Mostly trying to establish whether it would work to clear green water or not. Those threads all seemed inconclusive.

Since this pond/tub is just a place for me to keep daphnia and the odd plant in the garden (Daphnia would probably prefer the water green, but never mind), I remembered the idea when walking by a weeping willow in a nearby park so I grabbed a couple of small sprigs and popped them in one evening. I wasn't expecting any kind of immediate result, presuming that they'd need to put down roots etc, so I was astonished when I looked the next morning and found the water totally clear. Nothing else had changed. The sprigs then all but died, though one now has some small leaves, but the water's stayed clear ever since, even though the tub has had a lot more sunshine than when the water first went green. May all be a coincidence, but as I said nothing else was changed then or since.

AFAIK willow also has some medicinal value towards inhabitants.

Couple of daytime test shots. After much deliberation I bought a Sony NEX 5r camera. Hopefully it lets me take ok aquarium shots while being portable enough to use for work and general compact camera type use. Top one is with extra fluorescent lighting and an ISO of about 400, bottom one is with ISO 1600 and just the LED at about 40% as it starts up this morning (but a bit of hairdryer action!)


Have submitted some pics similar to this one to the AGA. I'm happiest with the layout that I've been, but the plants are less healthy than they were a couple of months ago. Mainly I'm struggling with BBA, which I think started when I was fiddling with co2 around then, and has continued probably because I've been lax with water changes. Too many big ones at the wrong times of day for stability at first, and then recently just not often enough.

Considering a re-scape, and possibly a rimless tank as this one is annoying to maintain, but I'd like to be on top of the BBA before then or I think it'll just come back. Also I need to take the Green Neons back to the LFS (if I can), as they munch on all new growth, which is not helpful.