My six month old 25 litre tank used to be home to fish that have now been moved to bigger tank .
I just want to check that l have read and understood everything and to see if l have missed anything important
l have wood in with java fern attached and another with anubias l also have two moss balls and some crypts in. As l read that shrimp need easy plants as they dont get on with ferts and co2 over a period of time?
My filter is what came with tank and is sponge type but have read that air driven ones are best, but l don't know what they are. l hope the one l have is ok. Have got heater which is about 24/25 and lights which have different brightness levels. I read that both shrimp and plants don't need it too bright so l have them on dull setting but they are on for about 8 hours.
I read that they dont need to to feed them very often at the moment have been doing flake food and some veg like peas which they like. Maybe feed them every couple of days if this is ok?
I do about 20% water change weekly and in my tank l have ten shrimp is this enough. If l have missed something or got something wrong please let me know.
Thanks L
I just want to check that l have read and understood everything and to see if l have missed anything important
l have wood in with java fern attached and another with anubias l also have two moss balls and some crypts in. As l read that shrimp need easy plants as they dont get on with ferts and co2 over a period of time?
My filter is what came with tank and is sponge type but have read that air driven ones are best, but l don't know what they are. l hope the one l have is ok. Have got heater which is about 24/25 and lights which have different brightness levels. I read that both shrimp and plants don't need it too bright so l have them on dull setting but they are on for about 8 hours.
I read that they dont need to to feed them very often at the moment have been doing flake food and some veg like peas which they like. Maybe feed them every couple of days if this is ok?
I do about 20% water change weekly and in my tank l have ten shrimp is this enough. If l have missed something or got something wrong please let me know.
Thanks L