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Setting up new tank


14 Jun 2014
My new tank has arrived and am in the process of setting it up, but I have a question - am doing a fishless cycle, so having planted it and filled it, should I be dosing with CO2 and Ferts straight away?


Wrong terminology sorry - I will be using pressurized co2, aiming for 30ppm.
Should have that up and running as well, as soon as the tank is planted and flooded; CO2 is never more important than right after flooding, so as to minimise the shock to the plants (from abundant atmospheric CO2 (since most plants are grown emersed) to being drowned and starving for CO2).
If you are using a substrate like Amazonia, you would need to put extra ferts in for the first 1 or 2 weeks (although I always fert from day 1 and with EI it's cheap as chips anyway so way not) as the substrate would have enough. CO2 for sure needed from day 1....don't be afraid just pump in as much as you want as long as you don't have fauna in your tank, but aiming for 30-40ppm is a start.
Thanks guys.

Have got EI ferts going in and running CO2.. Will see how it settles down - might need to pump it up as the drop checker is still blue after 4 hours...

I am running an Eheim 600 with media and also an Eheim 2026 with a little sponge and nothing else. I know convention says 10 times turnover but the moment I am going to suck it and see ( pardon the expression...) if theses two filters provide reasonable flow ( they are giving me circa 6-7 times turnover