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Setting up at a corporate site

john arnold

28 Jun 2018
I may be doing a build at a corporate site and wondered how you would cycle a tank if not able to visit as it being quite a few miles away, and any advice on dosing with an auto doser, basically any advice on doing an aquascape in a company reception ?
I may be doing a build at a corporate site and wondered how you would cycle a tank if not able to visit as it being quite a few miles away, and any advice on dosing with an auto doser, basically any advice on doing an aquascape in a company reception ?
There are products out there that accelerate the process, for example ATM colony and Seachem Stability to name a couple.
If you're to be responsible for the aquarium you live quite a distance I would say it's maybe not a great idea, for example something goes wrong and you are unable to get there could cause problems.
There are systems that give you a lot of control and give you the ability to look at things and even adjust them remotely although these soon start pushing the price up and some limit you to their products, never used them but GHL Profilux and Neptune apex are a couple.
Other things depend on what facilities you can get there; WiFi, water supply, drain for waste water.
If you really wanted to you could automate a system to auto water change, dose fertilisers along with stirring the mixture, alert you certain things are not working within the parameters you want to name a few but this then gets complicated and very expensive.

The amount of auto dosers out there are countless and many quality ones do exist but tend to cost that bit more than an entry level Jebao one.

That's just my quick look over things. 🙂
There are products out there that accelerate the process, for example ATM colony and Seachem Stability to name a couple.
If you're to be responsible for the aquarium you live quite a distance I would say it's maybe not a great idea, for example something goes wrong and you are unable to get there could cause problems.
There are systems that give you a lot of control and give you the ability to look at things and even adjust them remotely although these soon start pushing the price up and some limit you to their products, never used them but GHL Profilux and Neptune apex are a couple.
Other things depend on what facilities you can get there; WiFi, water supply, drain for waste water.
If you really wanted to you could automate a system to auto water change, dose fertilisers along with stirring the mixture, alert you certain things are not working within the parameters you want to name a few but this then gets complicated and very expensive.

The amount of auto dosers out there are countless and many quality ones do exist but tend to cost that bit more than an entry level Jebao one.

That's just my quick look over things. 🙂

Yeah i just wonder how a business does it as in first week lots of water changes and that and ya have to feed the quick start bacteria for cycling daily, im ok with a monthly maintenance but its just starting up im bit miffed, first time its hard to give estimate of costs

Thanks for your input