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Setting up a second emergency-ish tank


11 Jul 2021
South Yorkshire
Hello everyone. I've got a 90L planted tank that I've set up using UKAPS advices, added plants and floaters, let the plants grow for weeks, added shrimps, then tetras, then rasboras and a pleco. It's been running for 3 years now. Recently we've added two female betas and after a while one has become aggressive to the other, chasing although not injuring, but causing stress nonetheless. I'm setting up a second tank to separate them permanently so it's not just a quarantine tank. I'm using our old 34L Fluval Flex with new Fluval substrate, anubias, amazon sword, limnophila sessiflora, Vallisneria, mangrove wood, frog bit floaters. I've added ceramic filter media that I left soaking in the big tank for a week. The filter set up is made of lots of sponges and a bag of activated carbon. Yesterday I've filled it up with half big tank's water and half fresh water with Prime. Today I did a quick check on Amonia using API test and it was 0.50ppm, I'm not sure if it's because of the new substrate so haven't added the fish yet. Big tank Amonia is zero. I need to separate the Bettas soon so I'm wondering what could I do to speed up the process to be safe to add the Betta fish? Do I add more big tank water? I've got a bottle of Seachem Stability, would that help? Thanks in advance for any input.