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"Serenity Peak" Mark's 60cm Iwagumi

Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

I have a reasonable carpet of hairgrass growing in my tank, i have found that most of the bits that are showing(on yours), the bits you have cut down to, have started to rot, and its the base that the new plants are coming from, maybe i just cut it too short, but good luck with yours!
Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

Thanks everyone, good to know i've done a good job of the planting, that's the bit I was a bit worried about, I've just added 3 more pots and I'm happy with it now.

The water is starting to clear now and it's looking great....looking forward to adding some live stock in 2 or 3 weeks.


Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

This may seem like a really stupid question but can anyone shed some light.........My background is bright white and yet it looks a miserable grey (in the flesh, not just on the photo) Why!!


Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

Cheers sam,

Just ordered some different coloured card to have a bit of a mess around to get the ideal background, also try and get some light behind it.

UPDATE: 😀 😀 😀
One week on and things are going great, no problem algae, water crystal clear, plants growing and runners just starting to spread.

I've been doing a 50% water change every day, dosing 3ml easycarbo, 3ml ADA Brighty K daily and when I first planted I added ADA Green Gain.

I did away with the Tetratec media apart from the wool pad and carbon bag and filled the filter with approx 2.5Litres of Sera Siporax (recommended by Jim TGM) so I'm hoping it will be mature nicely and be ready for livestock in another 2 weeks.

I'll add some more photos next week when plants have grew a bit more hopefully.


Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

I've been wanting to give my scape a name and I've decided on "Serenity Peak".

Looking at the scape it reminds me of a "serene" rocky peak I go to in Northumberland.

All going well still...more pics coming soon :thumbup:

Thanks for looking

Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

myboyshay said:
I've been wanting to give my scape a name and I've decided on "Serenity Peak".

Looking at the scape it reminds me of a "serene" rocky peak I go to in Northumberland.

All going well still...more pics coming soon :thumbup:

Thanks for looking



Post some pics! I am keen to see how its growing just on Easycarbo.

Mine is going well, just started adding ADA step1 at 5 weeks.
Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

Will do as soon as I can Andy, I'm at work at the mo'.

Growth is good with new leaves coming from the base and the plants are producing runners, not superfast but steady with no algae problems

Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NOW PLANTED)

UPDATE 01/10/09

Thought I would add the pics from day 1 to present.

Any thoughts, feedback welcome.

Does the plant growth look OK, do I try and remove the browning leaves are just let them die off? any thoughts, suggestions, tips are very welcome? there's no CO2 injection just daily dosing of 3ml Easycarbo, 3ml Brighty K and 50% water change every day......Thanks for looking....Mark!


Planted, filled, filter up and running:

Day 13:

Day 13 (Close-up):
Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NEW PICS ADDED 01/10/09))


I'll be adding my Amano shrimp and oto's this weekend, nitrite and ammonia levels seem Ok.

Do you think the hairgrass and bear Aquasoil will be Ok with the shrimp, they won't uproot the hairgrass will they?

Also, I have some green algae on the rocks which is hard to get off with a toothbrush, is this the norm?


Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NEW PICS ADDED 01/10/09))

great hardscape , very nice slope in the back , your main stone is beautiful and very nicely used , looking forward to see this one finished 😉
Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NEW PICS ADDED 01/10/09))

This tank will look great when the grass fills in, very low maintenance too which is a plus 😉
You just need a lawnmower now or a couple of sheep!! 😉
Re: Mark's 60cm Iwagumi (NEW PICS ADDED 01/10/09))

great hardscape , very nice slope in the back , your main stone is beautiful and very nicely used , looking forward to see this one finished

Thanks Nico 😳 yep I love the main stone, I think it's definately worth trying to get a stone you really want rather than "make do" with what you've got.

This tank will look great when the grass fills in, very low maintenance too which is a plus
You just need a lawnmower now or a couple of sheep!!

Cheers, the Amano shrimp I've just added are like little sheep, just fed them though and they giving the hairgrass a break :lol:
UPDATE: 12/10/09

Well it's day 24 since planting and things are going great 😀

Plants are growing in nicely and they're pearling which is a first for me (god bless Easycarbo) :thumbup:

I've added the clean up crew (oto's and Amano Shrimp and they're doing fine to)

Here's some pics (excuse the quality, still learning), feedback welcome as always:


Re: "Serenity Peak" Mark's 60cm Iwagumi UPDATE 12/10/09

I've missed this one somehow! It looks great and you've got some nice hardscape positioning there. Nice one! 😉