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Sensations of Red - close to finish images

Iain Sutherland

Global Moderator
7 Jul 2011
Hey all, i set this tank up last friday so thought id introduce it to you all and see what you think.
Ive enjoyed setting this up as all the plants are new to me, now think i should have planted heavier with the stems. I really wanted to try out some reds, this ultimately was the goal of this tank.

The tank is an old 60cm NA set up running 2 x 36w compact T5's, Amazonia, Inline injection.
I'm planning for this tank to be a play around tank with a short lifespan with the idea of trying new plants out.
When i set this up i also began taking some time lapse. I have done this for the first 5 days with 700 images a day. All sounds good but now i need to process some 3500 RAW images, best start looking for a youtube video on photoshop batch editing lol
So a few images.
IMG_8354 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

IMG_8358 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

IMG_8360 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

Why are the images always so small since i started using flickr? Is it a setting i can change?
The time lapse photography sounds really good. I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

So what red stems have you put in?
The time lapse photography sounds really good. I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

So what red stems have you put in?

I wouldnt hold your breath for the timelapse as i had some issues with keeping the camera on the same spot as it needs to be taken off the tripod to charge the battery. Time to buy a mains lead.

plant list
1-2-grow Elantine
1-2-grow Eleocharis sp. 'mini'
1-2-grow Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'
1-2-grow Rotala macrandra
Ludwigia sp.
Hygrophila sp. ''Araguaia''

This is a terrible image,but does it help show which drop down menus to use?

thanks a lot for that stu, maybe i should have looked a bit harder 😳
My opinion you improved you aquascape skills a lot since the 120cm tank.

I really like this stone arrangement, if plants grow well, will be one of my favorite.

Can you tell me were did you get those stones?

Thanks nice, I hope my scapes are improving but still a long way to go before I'm happy.
The 120 is an annual tank so with a little luck it will look how I want it before the end.

The black lava rock is from ed at freshwatershrimp, I did take the last lot he had but may have more by now. It's really nice rock and fairly easy to carve once wet, do wish I had a different bit on the right though....

Thanks for the interest.
Hi Iain,
another very nice set up mate :thumbup:
I think this is more of a 'grower than a shower', its true beauty realised when the red plants fill in at the rear. Really like the open centre youve created with the shorter a.reinekii mini at the rear. The h. araguaia will be a nice transition too.
Looking forward to it filled in.
Would love to see an update on this one Iain 🙂
This one was a having a couple of issues due to lack of maintenance but gave it a trim and scrub today and all seems well again.
It has a couple of new inhabitants, some black neons which will be moved again soon as it now houses 10 OE blue tigers.
pre trim
23 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr
post trim
22 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

Love em!! hard to spot though on black rock and black substrate. Should be easier once grown and bolder once the fish have gone.
24 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr
Another one of my ugly duckings has turned out ok. Had some issues while i was away for 3 weeks and had a massive diatom out break along with BBA on the wood. Diatoms are now dealt with but damaged the elantine a lot killing the bottom layer of the carpet, savaged some of it right back to substrate and touch wood is recovering now. Also soaked the wood in glut today so BBA should be toast in a week or so.
Stems have been slow to recover from a brutal hack back but coming along now. Itching to rescape this one so have just dropped the lighting right down and cranked up co2.

IMG_3580 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

IMG_3581 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

IMG_3582 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

IMG_3585 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr
hey deano, reds in the background is what i wanted also but currently have more yellows/oranges!
Dont fret mate, you will get there it just takes time and given the improvements that you will be implementing soon i reckon youll start to see a big improvement.
These stems are the ones ill send on to you once you get sorted out fella as new scape looming.
looks like something just out of the Ada gallery
lol dont be daft!
I was looking through some old pics and its nice to see the progression over a couple of years, at least the plants dont die any more.
Thanks though mate. how are you enjoying Brandis edge after the dutch?