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Seeing as nobody bought my bespoke cabinet.....

Nice tank 🙂 I like straightforward jungle tanks, and with easy plants, I imagine it'll be very satisfying to watch it all grow in quickly.

My absolute favourite schooling fish are Pethia gelius. They're very active, nibble at algae, school well, and have subtle beauty. How big is the tank? I have 12 in my 30"x15"x12"; they're happiest in large groups.
I have some five banded barbs , Puntius pentazona, they are always active , shoal nicely but not always , quite shy so u will need some dither fish , beautiful little fish , btw stop pretending u wear the trousers.
ps nice tank

It makes me feel better about myself to pretend occasionally.....😉

I am being drawn towards your avatar fish, funnily enough....
A few weeks down the road......
<a href="IMG_5258 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" title="IMG_5258 by threequartersky, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2840/9582436873_f459e00e98_c.jpg" width="800" height="403" alt="IMG_5258"></a>

<a href="IMG_5257 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" title="IMG_5257 by threequartersky, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7442/9582429371_9fc240d569_c.jpg" width="800" height="335" alt="IMG_5257"></a>

Pic 1 is my first effort. Easy carbo, full EI dosing. Some plants doing better than others.

Pic 2 is 2nd effort. FE CO2 , full EI. I think plants are doing better. It does look brighter but it is moggy litter as opposed to Akadama and there are not so many dark leaved plants in there.
filling out nicely, once you start trimming the background stems they will bush out.
keep up the good work. roy.