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Second hand eheim classic 250


21 Mar 2013
Today I picked up a second hand filter I was told it was used on freshwater but when I got it home it is definitely used on a marine tank . It was full of salt and smelt like a marine set up. What do people think I should do to get it ready for use with freshwater. What should I clean it with??

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Personally, I wouldn't be too worried about just giving it a rinse with clean water. If you can, refresh any rubber seals with some plumber's silicone grease just to be sure everything is tip-top.
I've used an ex marine filter on freshwater. I just gave it a scrub to remove the salt deposits, rinsed the head out a few times in warm water, put my media in and ran it.
Thanks guys I'm gonna give if a good scrub and run it for a few weeks on a tank I have moved all live stock out of to get the new media ready and hope for the best 😱

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media basket's and media i would soak in a bucket of warm water them rinse in fresh water the rubber seal just check and make sure they are ok and rub over with a thin film of petroleum jelly i have used filters that have been on marine tanks with no effects what so ever
media basket's and media i would soak in a bucket of warm water them rinse in fresh water the rubber seal just check and make sure they are ok and rub over with a thin film of petroleum jelly i have used filters that have been on marine tanks with no effects what so ever

Thanks that is pretty much what I did and after talking to the chap I got it from it was only a month old so its in pretty good shape. I put in some media from a filter I have had running a long time and I have had this one running for a week now with no problems. 😎

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Do NOT use petroleum jelly. It is not rubber safe. Use silicone plumbers grease as you were originally advised to.
i was told by some one who works for a filter manufacturer that is it ok to put a smear on seals to stop them
from catching and ripping them when putting them together
is plumbers grease fish safe
is plumbers grease fish safe
I would assume so, as it is meant to be drinking water safe.....

If you use petroleum jelly or normal engine grease it will attack the rubber, which is why it is not recommended.
I use vegetable oil on rubber O-ring's on filter's . Have also used vaseline without any ill effect's .
Perhap's not all O-ring's are equal with respect to rubber composistion.
i have been using petroleum for years with no problems and i mean years at least 18 plus
I'll spend the £1 it costs me to buy the stuff I know is absolutely safe on all rubbers. Petroleum based greases are known to degrade rubber over time, silicone is known not to, despite your personal experience.
i suppose it might be how much you use
ok so i seem to be getting air in the filter now.......is this due to the o ring?