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Scum on water surface?

Your surface looks very still, do you have enough circulation in the tank ?

We have used one of these little surface skimmers for years, very easy to use and quiet, the outlet is 125mm under the surface it should not cause too much of a problem for your floaters, but it will soon clear the surface scum.
We replace the filter pad with a thin peice of filter floss a couple of times a week.
If its flow causes the floaters move around too much you can use a couple of suckers and a piece of clear airline tube to create a retaining ring.

Aquarium Surface Skimmers for Sale - Allpondsolutions
It is biofilm. An airstone in the middle of the tank will disrupt it and keep it away.
I agree and if you already have an air pump this is by far the cheapest solution.

@pollyandpear, It's not uncommon for a new tank to develop surface film - it will recede as the tank matures, but you should do something about it now, as you surface appears to be extremely stale - not a good situation.

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