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10 Jan 2021
A tank i set up for my farther in law has a few light scratches on the front. I think hes been a bit rough with a long handled scraper as he cant hold things properly. Ive heard of diy solutions like toothpaste, baking soda etc. Im stripping the tank down on the week end so might as well deal with the scratches while im at it. Any ideas?
If you can see the scratches with water in the tank then they are probably going to be tricky to do anything with tbh. If you can easily catch your finger nail in them when sliding down the glass they can be very hard to polish out and if you can they will likely cause some distortion in the view.
My girlfriend had a tank we bought second handed and it had scratches, we just removed the rim and turned it around, and then it was fresh again.
I dont think he will be happy me trying to pry the rim off. if the plumbing can hook on the other side ill turn it around.
If you can see the scratches with water in the tank then they are probably going to be tricky to do anything with tbh. If you can easily catch your finger nail in them when sliding down the glass they can be very hard to polish out and if you can they will likely cause some distortion in the view.
Ive not tested to see how deep they are. Im down there Saturday to strip the tank down so will see then.
I dont think he will be happy me trying to pry the rim off. if the plumbing can hook on the other side ill turn it around.

Ive not tested to see how deep they are. Im down there Saturday to strip the tank down so will see then.
you could ask him, maybe he likes a more modern change rimless tanks look nice, wish i could do it but i got 5 cats, you could also turn the rim around and glue it back maybe.