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17 Mar 2008
Not been on here in an age.
Been lots of things happening.
Most recently was approached by my Local LFS (rockpool aquatics) to scape a few tanks in store for them.
Well that did not go to plan due to the Shops ceiling collapsing (due to upstairs flat, which turned out to be a cannabis farm).
So they mentioned that I scape tanks alot, and a from that. I am now scaping newly purchased tanks for them.
I have my 1st tank to scape in the morning.
The client has given me free reign to do what I want for the fluval edge they have.
I have ordered all tropica plants from the 1-2 grow range as-well as using all tropica scaping materials, substrate ferts, etc.

Starting the scape in the morning, and going to have alot of fun with the amount of plants that I Ordered. And they look so nice in the 1-2 grow box they were sent in.
I should add that this is going to be interesting to scape with the limited opening. And just going to start breaking apart the dragon stone to see what shapes i can get it
Sounds good fun and hard work. Plenty of compost and free ferts with the ceiling collapse then? 🙂
Sounds like perfect cover for the heat signature...I guess the signature for a cannabis farm and a fish shop would be very similar...:shifty:
Got any photos of your scapes Gill?
^ canafish farm. I'll get my coat. I yes as troi said pics please gill 🙂
Hello, so have you moved back to Coventry? Last time(months ago) you had moved away or so I thought... hope all is well.

I went to Rockpool Aquatics for the first time the other day. It reminded me very much of Aquatics Fanatics that used to be in the Canal basin. Nice to see they have an interest in the aquascaping side of the hobby. They seemed in interested in my breeding rainbowfish too.
Hello, so have you moved back to Coventry? Last time(months ago) you had moved away or so I thought... hope all is well.

I went to Rockpool Aquatics for the first time the other day. It reminded me very much of Aquatics Fanatics that used to be in the Canal basin. Nice to see they have an interest in the aquascaping side of the hobby. They seemed in interested in my breeding rainbowfish too.

back in cov, but not sure how long for. thinking of Kenilworth/Stoneleigh for a move. (temp in grans house atm)
I see how it would remind you of Aquatic Fanatics.
I had told them you were an avid rainbow keeper. And they are always interested in locally bred fish.

Will take pix throughout this morning, and upload when i am back home.
no pix yet, forgot to take them untill i was finished so will take some on sunday when i go back to check on the plants> and see if it can be filled.
Filled the tank, and I have to say I am over the moon with the tropica plants. There was only a tiny amount of melting and that was a patch of HC. Everything has grown very well, and started to send out lots of roots.
Customer is very happy, And ok. it is not exactly what I would have done, but the customer is happy with the look and wanted a wide path. An added extra i forgot about, is that the flow from the Fluval HOB creates ripples in the sand. And that made the customer even happier. As she said it reminds her of the ripples in the sand at the beach.

Full list of plants used:
Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'x2
Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini'x3
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'x5
Limnobium laevigatum x1
Proserpinaca palustris 'Cuba'x2
Rotala 'Bonsai'x2

Next I have a Biorb 30 to redo for her to match the color scheme in the kitchen. So she wants black and white (fake plants) and Black and White fish. So decided on Toraja Gobies and Black/White moscow guppies.