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Sam's nano cube low-tech


6 Jul 2007
Aston, Oxfordshire
Hi All,

Gareth spurred me on to do a short journal of my cube, which isn't planted but had plants if you see what I mean.

Tank - 30cm cube
Lighting - Boyu 3x8w
Substrate - Play sand
Hardscape - TGM blue stone
Plants - 60% Flame moss (just had a trim), 40% Fissidens fontanus
Fish - Green neon and Axelrod's rasbora
Filter - Eheim 2211 with glassware
Maintenance - No CO2 or ferts, just a 40-50% water change every few weeks as I remember it.

Not much else to say, so here are the pics 🙂





That's really really nice, Sam. Do you have any small redmoor style wood knocking around? Even hardwood roots from something like a cherry tree with the fine ariel roots would be the icing on the cake!
Thanks all 🙂

Krish's Bettas said:
I am loving the moss 😀. How do you make it look so lush and green?

Cheers, no idea really just grows that wayI did chose moss as I didnt want much hassle with pruning or maintenance. The half decent lighting helps though I think.

bumcrumb said:
so simple but so cool! love the shape of the moss. 😉

Thanks 🙂 I dont think it anything too 'impressive' but I like the overall composition. It was originally all flame moss which gave a nice consistency to the scape but I was offered some Fissidens so figured I'd give that a try as well. Its uber slow growing though!

Garuf said:
That's really really nice, Sam. Do you have any small redmoor style wood knocking around? Even hardwood roots from something like a cherry tree with the fine ariel roots would be the icing on the cake!

Thanks Gareth 🙂 I do have some short lengths of redmoor wood that I picked up last time at TGM. How are you thinking I should use it them?

Ignore the terrible photoshop. Here's what I thought would pull it all together.

Seems a shame not to add wood.