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running costs


20 Jul 2015
Hi guys I am going to set up a new tank , I need a bit of advice on heating a 6x2x2
I can work out everything electrical but stuck on what the general cost of heating I am guessing 2 - 300w heaters but obviously these would not be on 24/7 - I have been out of the hobby for a few yrs now
any ideas
The ambient temperature of the room is going to seriously influence the answer to this, if your room is always 21 C then it will be significantly cheaper than a room that drops to lower temps, say overnight, in winter etc.
Two 400 watt heater's would be my choice.
Much easier to turn em down if needed than trying to get more heat from heater's that may be working harder than one might like .
I've been running a tanganyika cichlid tank the same size for over a year using 1 300w hydor external heater, keeps the temp bang on.