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Rotala sp Macranda leaf marks/damage!

G H Nelson

Global Moderator
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead
Hi experts!
I have been dosing various fertilizer's recently after water changes and I'm sure this is leaf burn due to this regime!
Any ideas....which fertilizer could be the culprit!
Plant is reasonably healthy other than the marks.
Rotala damage  ferts..jpg
Hi all,
You can look at Salt Index (SI).
It is usually chlorides and nitrates that cause "fertiliser burn", partially because they are very soluble. This high osmotic potential means that water is "sucked" from the leaf when it is in contact with the dry salt or concentrated solution.

Because of their high solubility there shouldn't be problems if the concentrated solution (or dry salt) isn't poured directly onto the leaves, and submerged leaves should only be effected if the salt lodges in them until it dissolves.
Micro can easily burn too. I accidentally burned Devil's ivy's leaves with my concentrated micros solution by pouring on them.
I've done that as well, possibly because it was a micro-element solution that I'd made up myself and I'd added some HCl to help dissolve one of the compounds.

cheers Darrel