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Root tabs, will I need them?


19 May 2017
Hello aquascapers,

Currently I run low tech incorporating a sand substrate and dose TNC Lite liquid plant food as the fish take care of the nitrate and phosphate component along with TNC Liquid Carbon. Lighting is standard Juwel T8.

I have the following plants in my tank as of yesterday:
Cryptocoryne willisii
Echinodorus bleheri
Anubias nana petite
Hygrophila difformis
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Microsorium pteropus
Hygrophila rosanervis
Hygrophila corymbosa
Hygrophila polysperma
Anubias barteri broad leaf
Vallisneria americana biwaensis

My main concern is that I’ve only previously had anubias nana, broad leaf and java fern which are very easy to look after and are on bits of bogwood. Would my new plants especially the rooted ones in the substrate require root tabs in order to be healthy and look good?

If so which root tabs would you guys recommend? I’ve been looking at TNC Plugs.
I dose 1/3 EI in my low tech, and recently added some clay peat balls off ebay and my heavy root feeders are definitely doing better. I am using inert substrate in my tank though.
With my recent order from pro-shrimp, I ordered Easy-Life root sticks for £5.95 to try. I don't know if they are any better than clay peat balls. They are 2 inch long and you get 25 of them, so I thought it was a good price if you don't have to pay for delivery, or buy a few other things you need.
Awesome. I’ll stay as is considering I don’t have any issues dosing ferts daily, I’ll add the root tabs if the plants start looking like they’re lacking nutrients.

Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated!