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Root tab


New Member
6 Apr 2023
Rochester, Medway

Which root tabs are the best to use but I want a pack that has alot in the pack to make it worth it.

Flourish tabs u only get 10 in a pack and I have 4 large tanks so I'd be buying them every week if I did that.
I am not a big fan of root tabs... that said, If your using inert substrate priming the pump with a couple of months of root tabs in addition to water column dosing might give your plants a head start when setting up a new tank - after that it should be all water column dosing.

I agree with John above, but be careful with Osmocote as they contain a lot of NH4 (Ammonia) depending on the specific type.

Good god if you insist on adding root tabs buy el cheapo osmocote tabs off ebay. Just be sure to add them slowly.
I initially purchased Seachem's root tabs, and later realised that they barely even add anything. I next purchased Tropica's, and later came to the conclusion that I still wasn't happy with the price, and ultimately settled on your comment here - osmocote.

I do, however, feel that the standard gel cap size of #00 is a little large... it packs quite a lot of osmocote balls inside that I do think may be unnecessary. I decided to buy a small bag of osmocote, and separate gel capsules of both #00 and #2, I primarily use the #2 size now, but I might occasionally use a #00 under a plant with a large root structure like swords, tiger lotus or cryptocorynes. So far all good :thumbup:
I decided to buy a small bag of osmocote, and separate gel capsules of both #00 and #2, I primarily use the #2 size now, but I might occasionally use a #00 under a plant with a large root structure like swords, tiger lotus or cryptocorynes. So far all good :thumbup:
Now that would be saving money 💰
API Root tablets can be crushed and sprinkled under the substrate ,don't need that many when crushed, obviously done at start up. Otherwise slow release capsules TNC or Tropica
Tropica nutrition capsules come in packs of 50.

API Root tablets can be crushed and sprinkled under the substrate ,don't need that many when crushed, obviously done at start up. Otherwise slow release capsules TNC or Tropica

One caveat with Tropica capsules is that unless they are buried well down into the substrate - probably depends on the coarseness of the substrate - they tend to float. I've solved that problem in the past by poking a couple of holes in the capsules with a needle!

Even better would be Osmocote (or clones) without trace elements, NPK only. However, its not that easy to find.

If you are just using a tiny amount as directed (plus regular water changes), there shouldn't be an issue.
Good god if you insist on adding root tabs buy el cheapo osmocote tabs off ebay. Just be sure to add them slowly.
I have used ebay ones before and wasn't happy as they never popped and left casinings within my sand. But thank you
I'll never use those things ever again, can work if you never touch the soil under sand but otherwise, ammonia spike kicks in whenever you move a plant
I will be setting up a new scape soon and have some tnc root tabs. I was thinking to sprinkle them on the bottom before putting subtrate (fluval stratum) would you recomend for or against this? Defo dont want ammonia spikes

Those that 'regret' using osmocote probably used too many. I put one or two 2-3mm pellets under each stem of my more 'difficult plants', maximum 20 pellets in a 90P tank, monthly. (most of the nutrients from osmocote are released in the first 2 to 3 weeks). For many plants, you really don't need to fertilise the substrate - pls ask the Sand Crew 🐚⛱️⛱️⛱️

I suspect one single Tropica capsule contains about 20+ pellets of osmocote and those who had problems may have put the entire package of Tropica root tabs into the tank ALL AT ONCE.

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