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Rolling in the deep

I am planning to use a eheim 2213

The plants I gonna use (I think...) are:

Vesicularia ferriei
Hydrocotyle sp. Japan
Rotala sp h'ra
Staurogyne repens
Eleocharis parvulus
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Hemianthus micranthemoides

Only I have my doubts about the back with the combo of Rotala sp. h'ra and Hemianthus micranthemoides maybe I must use Rotala sp. green??
Finally a update ,I just trimmed the Rotala but I am not very happy with the middle section of the thank. There is lots to do, if I want to turn this in a beauty. Tips are welcome!

It begins to look nice , today I add-it some Eriocaulon cinereum later I will post some pictures of it. And I order some lilypipes.

Looking great, you have done a cracking job. Funny though isn't it that when we spend so much time planning the hard scape, moving and re-moving the stones trying to get it perfect, when the plants take over it looks completely different than how we imagined it would be. There is so much great advice on here that once again we can become victims of our own success. 8)

From my experience our tanks grow to what is considered to be the optimum from an aesthetic point of view and then we have to start cutting and pruning to stop it turning into a wild underwater garden out of control. Eventually it re-establishes itself into what we would call manageable while still looking pleasing to the eye.

Lovely tank mate enjoy it for as long as you can.

