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River Reef 90ltrs

Thanks Konrad🙂.
Not a lot to report really. The plants seem to be doing well on the tropica ferts plus Special N.
Not trimmed it down this week. Going to leave it till next weekend. Welcome to the jungle:lol:.
Only 11 days till we move now. So busy busy busy at the min🙂.20171009_063053-768x1024.jpg 20171009_063102-768x1024.jpg
I really like this tank, every time it pops up in my feed I love seeing how it’s going. Really pleasing to the eye.

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Thanks for the kind coments and likes. Heres a small update on how its going gave it a small trim the red plants where not doing as well as i wanted so removed the ones feom the left added a few more Buces.Copper leaf. Have a aquascaper 600 and cabinet on order to replace this tank. But hear today it wont be ready until January. So will keep this tank running a while longer.
Awesome job with the tank. Love the way the plants look.. especially the hydrocotyle and the moss. Just a few doubts if ubdont mind.. How hard s ur water? Wats ur bps for co2 and timing schedule for injection ? At the end of the week with ur dosing schedule how far does ur nitrate and phosphate go? Just trying to learn a few things from someone who has got the balance right. Cheers.

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Is that Schwartz corydoras I see in the photo? or julii?
Very nice tank!
Thanks for the kind comments.
Havent tested my water for ages using test kits but on my water report the GH 12 and KH 7 so fairly hard. My co2 is set at around 3bps comes on 2 hours before lights goes off a hour before lights. Photoperiod is 8 hours.
Ferts are 2 pushes of tropica specialist one day then 2 pishes tropica premium the next. I also dose 2ml of aqua rebel Special N daily as the lights come on.
Yes it is Corydoras schwartzi there are 2 in the tank i have had these for around 6 years now in this and previous tanks.🙂.