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River Corner: Low Tech Nano Biotope

that's a great bit of driftwood! I like the staging effect it has in the middle, and barrier for the background plants to emerge over
Its home made. Two pieces of wood i stained an the top light unit is from a superfish 40 which i took apart, as is the tank with all the plastic stripped off.
Nice mate do you get any bowing of the glass? Have thought about this as I don’t like the plastic lids on tanks.
I've subscribed to your you tube. Please do keep us updated on how this tank settles in... bet really interested to hear how the plants are doing in a few weeks?
I've subscribed to your you tube. Please do keep us updated on how this tank settles in... bet really interested to hear how the plants are doing in a few weeks?
The tank was thriving but had to take it down but i will be building again in more of a paludarium fashion. I needed the wood for my latest large scape:

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