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Riccia Fluitians

25 Nov 2011
I have a 6.6 G tank and would like to start a Ricca carpet on slates.

Do you need CO2? Im currently dosing 1ml/Excel a day and 5ml/ SERA florena per week.

No - will be fine with liquid co2 & ferts.

Getting it to stay on the slates will be your issue!
On a slight hijack but similar topic... How do people successfully trim Riccia? Reason I ask is that mine's due a trim and I don't really want lots of little cuttings floating around like I had when I originally put it into the tank :s Also I've noticed that some of the Riccia (where it doesn't get much light) appears to have died off a bit (gone pale brown), hows the best way of removing it or will it naturally come away?
I would suggest taking it out of the water and giving it a 'hair cut' but if you do it under the water turn off your filter so it dosnt grow inside of it, also, do you have CO2 in your tank? How much does it grow?
just trim it in the tank. Switch the filters off and syphon the floating stuff off.

Go easy with easy carbo, as you'll kill the lot if over dosed.
mitchelllawson said:
I would suggest taking it out of the water and giving it a 'hair cut' but if you do it under the water turn off your filter so it dosnt grow inside of it, also, do you have CO2 in your tank? How much does it grow?

I do have pressurised CO2 in the tank. It's not doubled in size or anything, but it looking a lot lusher and greener. I suppose it's grown about 1cm since I've put it in (quite a while ago). However I do need to improve the flow in the tank as I'm getting very little surface agitation and fairly poor CO2 distribution.

Cool, I'll be syphoning it off as I cut it. I'm going to rig up a bag onto an old pump and try use that to "vacuum" the snippings 🙂
Went into the everglades this past Christmas and what did I find? There were mats of Riccia and other liverworts all over the place. Even deep in the glades where the bald cypress grew. I also saw some other liverworts, do not know species. Moss that looked like Java but had more bullate fronds. This was a plant persons paradise.

Phil is this an invasive species in the glades, riccia that is? I mean this stuff was everywhere.