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Riccia fluitans Submerged....


5 Sep 2017
Leicester. UK
Hi All,
Just getting in to Aquascaping, well what I mean is I want to give it a try. Just ordered a few plants, nothing special as all my tanks are planted anyway. But got some Riccia fluitans which I understand is a floating plant, but I am sure I saw somwwhere that you can tie it to submerged wood or even make a carpet with it??

Does anyone have ideas or even experiance of this, and if so HOW!

Anything welcome, regards.

And i don't know what i did, but managed to kill the majority of it floating as should in a high tech tank. Edvet is right, still find some bits now and then also in the garden (pond) even 2 years later. Thriving or not it is about indestructable, like duckweed..

If you want to use it submersed it's a typical moss for temporary scapes.. if you plan something for the longer term than it requires a lot of trimming.. Beware you might regret it.
Thanks for the info. I found a few treads that suggest it's not as easy as it sounds.. And I sure don't want it all over the place. Might give a little bit a try the other can go in my bowl or wild garden puddle. I am sure some of the mosses would be easier and I have had a bit of success with Java moss, but need a nice tidy moss regular growing type.