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riccia carpet , am i mad ?


27 Apr 2010
evr since seeing t step by step guide , ive really wanted to try out a riccia carpet . just love the way they look .well i couldnt resist it after seeing such a good deal on ebay . looking more likely that im going to win the big old tub of riccia im bidding on at the moment . its a 7 inch by 4 inch tub an inch deep jam packed with the stuff . should be plenty for a good sized carpet no ?
love that 1st pic , such lush dense growth ! i guess thats acheived by regular trimming ?
Recently got some sinking Riccia for my nano, it's brilliant. Grows just like the normal stuff but doesn't float and you don't even need to attach it to anything if the flow isn't too strong. This is just wedged into nooks and crannies -


Did you notice a drastic colour change on new growth tom? I preferred it darker.
Just to clarify, what you may know allready; the sinking and floating Riccia is the very same.........just sometimes changes into that " heavy" type. I've had it happen a couple of times now.
I read somewhere, what happens, but can't remember exactly. Think it was something, that changed in the cells - and thereafter it's the "heavy" type.
Where did you specifically get the sinking type? All of mine floats and I don't fancy having to pick floaters out of the tank for the rest of its life...