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Reworking Layout & Inspiration


10 Jun 2016
TL;DR What would you do with right hand side of tank
My tank has until recently be laid out like this:
Tank Layout.png
A - Amazon Sword
B - Limnophila Sessiliflora
C - Crypt (Think it is a Wendtii)
D - Rotala Rotunfolia
E - Hygrophila Siamensis
F - Bacopa Carolina

There are then two large bits of wood. The one on the right is a tall bit that once upon a time housed a moss tree but now just has some small Java Fern attached near the bottom. The larger bit had a good space underneath it forming a cave and some Abubias attached (a really large Barteri at the bottom and two Nanas at the top along with some Java Fern).

I broke my phone a little while ago and the temporary one I have has a really poor camera but hopefully you can get the idea:
IMG_20180602_143828 (1).jpg

Whilst trying to catch my SAE I ended up pulling out all the hardscape and pulled out the bigger piece of wood leaving a large space which I think isn't too bad (and perhaps even better for the inhabitants? https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/swimming-space.53028/)


This has also helped with flow as that big bit of wood was creating quite a physical barrier. The wood is quite interesting but is fairly large.

The other bit of wood looks like
and has a large lump at the bottom but was interesting because of the hook type shape at the top.

I am thinking that this looks better without the two bits of wood but I am not happy with just leaving a big gap so I was thinking there are a few options:
  • Take the tall bit of wood in there out and put the large bit back in
  • Leave the wood and attach the Java Fern that was attached to big wood to some lava rock and place as a background plant leaving the front clear
  • Plant the back up with stems and perhaps something small at the front

Any inspiration on what to do?
It's hard to know what size the large bog wood in the video is. Until you can start moving stuff around you can't really tell.

I would try removing the small bog wood. I would then flip the large bit of bog wood upside down ( you might need to attach it to a rock or slate to get it to stay in position possibly even trim it once your happy with it)
This should give you a natural arch/opening that will take you into the tank. this could be emphasized with rocks added to both sides.
It's hard to know what size the large bog wood in the video is. Until you can start moving stuff around you can't really tell.

Just for a sense of scale but appreciate it is difficult to know how big this will look in the tank.

This is one way around, which is I think what you were suggesting?

This is how I had it with the ends submerged in the sand a little

If I get time later I will get the other bit out the tank and make a cardboard model
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