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Replacement of T5 Lighting


14 Jun 2014
I have a 1200x600x600 tank with glass condensation trays and a hood. Within the hood, I have 2x 36w T5’s and 2x 42w T5’s all with reflectors fitted to the underside of the hood.

Am now looking to replace these with a suitable LED lighting system and controller

I am seeking an LED fitting that can fit to the house underside of my hood . The gap between the u/s of the hood and the glass condensation trays is 100mm.

Any suggestions for suitable luminaires and wattage?

I have a 1200x600x600 tank with glass condensation trays and a hood. Within the hood, I have 2x 36w T5’s and 2x 42w T5’s all with reflectors fitted to the underside of the hood.

Am now looking to replace these with a suitable LED lighting system and controller

I am seeking an LED fitting that can fit to the house underside of my hood . The gap between the u/s of the hood and the glass condensation trays is 100mm.

Any suggestions for suitable luminaires and wattage?

Some years ago, I replaced some T5s with LED tubes which didn't need anything extra, not even an electronic ballast, but I had to disconnect the existing ballast and just use the caps and wires, but only one set of end caps, directly, the LED and then to a plug. The issue you might have if you want to use domestic LED tubes is the length. Sorry I can't be more helpful.