Hi! I would like to have some feedback from you on the following salt mixes and how to use them.
Remineralizer mix
Macro Fertilizer mix
- The first is a (dry) mix to remineralize 100% RO water to ~6 dGH, ~1.5 dKH, ~10 ppm Mg, ~30 ppm Ca
- The second is a macro fertilizer mix: ~15 ppm NO3, ~2.5 PO4, ~20-30 K
- The RO remineralizer uses KHCO3 to reach 1.5 dKH but this adds ~20 ppm K in the process. This means that +70% of the total weekly K will be dosed at once during water change.
- How should I dose the NPK fertilizer? Should I add ~70% of the NO3 and PO4 at water change together with the K, and then dose the remaining 30% split in 3 days of the week?
- Or should I dose 100% the macros at water change? Has anyone tried this in a tank with CO2 injection?
- The remineralizer can use chlorides only, sulphates only, or chlorides and sulphates. Regardless of the combination I will end up with a total ~100 ppm of Cl and/or SO4. What Cl and SO4 values should I target? The mix below has ~27 ppm Cl + ~90 ppm SO4.
- Will these mixes lead to excessive alkaline pH? We have <this other thread already discussing this topic>.
Remineralizer mix
Macro Fertilizer mix