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Regenerating purigen


21 Mar 2013
Two questions.
From recent threads on here it seems it has to be dechlorinated in Prime, I have interpret Tapsafe which contains Aloe Vera ( who would have thought fish needed moisturising, learn something new every day). Anyone have any idea if it is ok with Purigen?

2nd question, for freshwater use the instructions say soak in Discus buffer. Before I go and buy some (along with the prime) just for this, does anyone know if it is essential? What does it actually do? I wondered if just soaking it in tank water for a while would do just as well.
Any thoughts?
Pretty sure (but not certain) that is one of the ones that makes Purigen lethal. To be honest, if you buy powdered Prime, the value for money it represents beats everything on the market.

Never had mine near discus buffer, and not had any issues.
I normally soak mine in a 50/50 Milton and water for 24hrs, stirring occasionally (you will see it changing back to its white colour) then rinse and soak in a strong mix of declorinator and water for a further 24hrs then a final rinse in water.... Job done!
I've never had any issues with fish and the purigen continues to work great.
Thanks everyone
I will not bother with the buffer, and prob get some thiosulphate