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Reduced bubble count - drop checker more yellow

9 Jun 2018
York, UK
Hi all,

As the topic says, I've reduced my bubbles per second and somehow my drop checker is now turning more yellow? :/ Why could this be happening?
I'm new to all of this but I noticed that the drop checkers take a very long time to respond. It could be showing you what it was like a few hours ago. My checker took about two to three days before it went back to blue after turning the CO2 off...
You could try removing it for an hour or so to reset it to blue before putting it back to check.
How do your plants and fish look?
How do your plants and fish look?

Amano shrimp seem fine and the plants are doing great, that's all I have in there at the moment. The adjustment was made yesterday but I've noticed today that it's more yellow than previously.

filter needs cleaning so reduced output so less turnover so less CO2 loss thought less surface aggitation

Filter sponge was cleaned with my big bit of tank maintenance a couple of days ago - I have changed the position of the outflow though, and possibly a bit more water in the tank than there has been. Less agitation seems the most likely cause at the moment. I did turn the intensity down ever so slightly with the reduction in bps to try and match them... Trying to reduce this algae growth. I really need to find myself a pH pen so I can do a profile but won't be able to afford one until the middle of September.
be careful as if the turnover has decreased it may not be reaching all areas of the tank also esp the carpet

I've tried to make itt so it creates more flow around the tank. Positioned to push the water up and to the side, then round to create a vortex. That's the idea... it just means the surface agitation is slightly lower.
A pH pen is a good idea. However do look after it otherwise the membrane will be damaged and it will give faulty readings. Care of pH electrodes can be found on the net.