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Recommended Powerheads?


11 Feb 2009
Hi all,

Any suggestions on a powerhead for a 560L tank, just to have a nice flow (along with my external) to prevent algae, but not too much flow where the plants look like they are in a hurricane!!
Low power consumption would be a bonus too.
Was looking at the maxi-jet 1000 :?

Thanks, Dave.
Koralia rank high on the list aswell or if you want to go for something a little special you could try the ecotech vortech's 😉
Koralia are great, but if you don't want to pay that price. Then go for something like the SunSun,Resun,Boyu alternatives from Ebay. I have tried them all and are all great.
Did you want one in the tank or external attached to a spray bar?

I have a Koralia Evolution 2800 lph, and a nano 900. For your tank size you will need at least the 2800lph. Its quite big (say 10cm deep by 6-7 wide.) but moves a lot of water with a reasonably diffuse pattern. And only uses 4.5W. but obviously it sits in your tank looking ugly. and not variable flow.
That twin powerhead looks good but uses a lot more juice than Koralia (6 times as much!)

Cal....never heard of an external powerhead. How would this elimate all dead spots in the tank. Im not sure how it would work??
Would Koralia's ruin a sand substrate (blow it all over the place)??????????????????
A section of my tank is sand.
in a tnak of your size, provided they are at the top and not point down, probably not. though 2800lph will probably cause some reshaping of the substrate, less once your plants are in. Certainly I have reall trouble keeping my aquasoil off the sand.... But on the flip side, the plants like it, and they're more expensive than sand.
easerthegeezer said:
tunze 6045 is a great one, bit too strong for a 250lt. Has adjustable flow too, on high its mental!!

...Think Ill go for the Tunze 6045 as it has adjustable flow :clap:
Great prices on Koralia's and other powerheads here: http://www.reefstore.co.uk/shop/Koralia-Evolution-Powerheads/

Seem to be the most efficent electricity wise. I just purchased the Koralia evolution 4000 lph.

Nothing beats a Vortech for low profile, but the prices keep on rising, i am not sure I can justify £325 for an MP40. They used to be £250 ish... just getting more expensive.