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Recommend filter for an ADA 45p


6 Sep 2024
Morning all. So, I’m after some advice/ recommendations on what filter would be suitable for a 45p? I have what i think could be an option already, but your recommendation would help immensely.
At the minute i have two biomaster filters running my 160ltr tank, a 350 and a 250, but i also have a spare 350 i purchased which is sitting in a cupboard. I was thinking maybe switching the 250 over and replacing that with another 350 on my bigger tank? Which would make the 250 available. So would a biomaster 250 be overkill for a 45p? Failing that, i was also looking into a filto smart 100 thermo as an option? Appreciate your help/ advice
I assume the filters on your 160 liters are mature? If so you are in a good position in some ways.

  • Add the new 350 the 160L to work alongside the old 350. If you can be bothered, take 1 sponge from the old 350, place at the bottom of the new 350 which will help it establish quicker.
  • The 250 could work on a 34L, but you will need to adjust the flow down a lot. I am thinking of the 350's flow on my 100L and its quite a lot at full pelt! Might need to reduce flow and use some lilliy pipe/glassware to reduce at exit point as well.
thanks @Bradders the 250 has only been on my larger tank for a couple weeks, so I’m doubtful it’ll have any biological goodness in there at the moment. I only added the 250 to that tank for some extra mechanical filtration i.e mainly sponges as i packed the 350 with more bio media.

If i were to use the 250 on the 45, i was actually thinking of reducing the pipe diameter to 12/16 anyways, as i think that’d be more suited in terms of Lilly pipes, thus reducing flow somewhat anyway?
Thanks for your input, much appreciated 👍🏻
Easiest option without buying anything new is to swap 350 into larger tank as stated and use the 250 on your 45P, might be worth trying it with a lily pipe or a spin pipe or something which can help reduced the turbulence. Failing that, if you want a less flow but with an integrated heater than a Oase Filtosmart Thermo 100 would work, it uses 12/16mm fittings. I'm actually selling one but I would defo try and see if you can make your 250 work before looking elsewhere.

Edit - I think the you can also lower the flow on the Biomasters with one of the blue tabs on the side, not 100% though as I run all mines full pelt.
thanks @Bradders the 250 has only been on my larger tank for a couple weeks, so I’m doubtful it’ll have any biological goodness in there at the moment. I only added the 250 to that tank for some extra mechanical filtration i.e mainly sponges as i packed the 350 with more bio media.

If i were to use the 250 on the 45, i was actually thinking of reducing the pipe diameter to 12/16 anyways, as i think that’d be more suited in terms of Lilly pipes, thus reducing flow somewhat anyway?
Thanks for your input, much appreciated 🏻

I think the 250 will be quite strong but it’s not not doable with your logic above.

A spin lily pipe and a co2 reactor would also go far in reducing the in tank current without affecting flow too much.

I have a thermo 100 on a 36p and that itself is too strong so I connected my CO2 reactor to it. The current is still on the strong side but manageable. I will soon add the spin lily when I add more livestock (that won’t enjoy the current like my Otos).
Easiest option without buying anything new is to swap 350 into larger tank as stated and use the 250 on your 45P, might be worth trying it with a lily pipe or a spin pipe or something which can help reduced the turbulence. Failing that, if you want a less flow but with an integrated heater than a Oase Filtosmart Thermo 100 would work, it uses 12/16mm fittings. I'm actually selling one but I would defo try and see if you can make your 250 work before looking elsewhere.

Edit - I think the you can also lower the flow on the Biomasters with one of the blue tabs on the side, not 100% though as I run all mines full pelt.
Yeah i was thinking in the right direction for sure. But I’ve just stumbled across a little hurdle? I have a few days off work, and I’m about to embark on building a 45p style cabinet . I’m bloody hopeless at DIY, but fancy giving it a try? Anyways, I don’t think a biomaster would actually fit in the cabinet? So it’s probably going to be a filtosmart.
I think the 250 will be quite strong but it’s not not doable with your logic above.

A spin lily pipe and a co2 reactor would also go far in reducing the in tank current without affecting flow too much.

I have a thermo 100 on a 36p and that itself is too strong so I connected my CO2 reactor to it. The current is still on the strong side but manageable. I will soon add the spin lily when I add more livestock (that won’t enjoy the current like my Otos).
Yes i think i was on the right pathway, but just hit a dilemma? I don’t think a biomaster would fit inside the ADA style homemade cabinet I’m about to attempt to make 😁😅