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Questions from a newcomer


New Member
5 Feb 2010
Hi, I've just started a small planted tank (Dennerle 30l) rather on a whim after a long gap from the freshwater side of the hobby (yes, one of those awful reefkeeper types!). On the advice of my LFS I have used ADA Amazonia soil, a small internal filter and a Co2 injection system from a Chinese manufacturer called Waterplant. I have some fertilisers from Easylife. I have some bogwood and four types of plants - taxiphyllum barbieri, hygrophila 'rosanervig', staurogyne and hemianthus 'Cuba'.

I was advised to use RO water but an a bit concerned that with no buffering capacity in the water I will have a problem with pH swings that will affect livestock when I come to add them. Should I mix the RO with tap or is RO unnecessary?

After less than a week my hygrophila is already hitting the surface so clearly I need to prune, do things usually grow that quickly?

What have I missed?

Apologies for so many questions. Oh, and the price of the ADA stuff makes even a reefkeeper's jaw drop!!!!
What lfs is this? They gave you fairly decent advice and plants and recommend ADA? haha! RO is probably not necessary though, or you could cut it 50/50 with tap. I don't know "Waterplant" Co2. Is it pressurised? Stems do grow quickly, yes! Not like those silly Coral things 😛

What ferts did they advise? Or did they not? Even though ADA Amazonia is packed with ferts, you will probably still need to add trace/potassium.
The shop was Aquajardin near Southampton. I live in Portsmouth but they are the only place around here that I've seen decent planted tanks. The CO2 is pressurised but from small disposable cylinders, probably not very economical long term but if the tank works out and I enjoy it I'll go larger anyway.

The ferts are easycarbo and profito, they also sold tropica & dennerle but didn't seem to recommend them. Happy not to use so much RO as I was also advised to do daily water changes for the first couple of weeks as well.

They also had some amazing red and white shrimps that I've never seen before, every bit as stunning as some of the reef inverts.
Ahh that explains it. A good local-ish shop to have!
Yeah, daily water changes would be a good idea with Amazonia for a little while. Tropica ferts are good, and personally I'd go for them over Profito due to the Tropica Plant Nutrition + having N and P. With Amazonia though, you probably don't need the extra N and P! Tropica also to another Tropica Plant Nutrition as a trace though, without N and P. ADA recommend their trace mix and K only with Amazonia I think.

The shrimps were probably Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS) 🙂
What is it about the amazonia that makes daily water changes necessary? I didn't get large bottles of the ferts so can easily change to the tropica later. just googled that shrimp and that is exactly what they were, thanks.
philyoung said:
The shop was Aquajardin near Southampton...They also had some amazing red and white shrimps that I've never seen before, every bit as stunning as some of the reef inverts.
Definitely CRS, they have a sweet shrimp-only setup and with some nice high grades too :thumbup: I'm gunna try get up there when I finally get paid as they got some good Tropica stuff.

I'm still tempted by those mini CO2 canisters also even though they would be very expensive for economy - they look like a good way to get into pressurised without the missus thinking I'm building a rocket!

Good luck with it all. Some of the best info can be found with just a trawl through this great site.
Thanks Neil, they also had amano shrimps and looking through the site seems I should leave the CRS for a bit. Quite like the look of the tiger or is it bee shrimp? Its only a small tank so don't need anything too large. Apart from a couple of otos for algae control no idea what other fish to stock.
Hi Phil, welcome to the forum. (plenty reef keepers here too)
It is possible to use various methods of fertilisation but, if you are going to use C02 you might want to revise the EI method.
Because your tank is small you can probably justify using the ferts you have already bought but, there are also some very good premixed powders available that you just need to add water too & then add daily.
Most of us just use tap water for water changing.
Thanks, happy to go with the tap water mine has some nitrate and phosphate in it! I'll read about the EI method.