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That I can, I'll email you the blue print for the LED luminaire I've designed for my tank.
any news on the where abouts of the diffusers guys? one of my tanks is crying out for a decent diffusers. (fed up of ones from HK)

many thanks.
I'm not sure on their origin but to me they look identical to the HK ones. (which are just as good as the ada ones in my opinion). If you're getting issues up the pressure of the output which should give you finer bubbles. You'll never get whole disk diffusion like in pictures, that's just a marketing ploy to get people to buy them.
yea, i'd love to put the diffuser into use on my 60cm, how long will they be?
same, feel quite guilty now for posting up yesterday. (not that i was moaning or anything!)
they look really crisp.

thanks guys.
Hello everybody, we are sorry for the delay in sending these out, hopefully you've all received them in good condition? Packaging glassware has been a concern to us but hopefully we've cracked it so to speak.

Thanks for your help everybody and we look forward to working with you all again soon.

Kindest Regards
