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question about limnophila aquatica


27 Apr 2010
the whole reason i chose limnophila aquatica is because of the lovely furry/feathery appearance like in this photo
Plant Details

mine however looks like this
transition , or problem ? | UK Aquatic Plant Society

im refering to the general form , rather than the highlighted areas in the photo . is it a case of this being the emersed leaves and the new growth will look like the tropica pic when i get into trimming it ?
The short answer : yes 🙂
You now have emersed form, and given good conditions your lim. aq. will grow into looking like pic. Just a little patience needed 😉
I can add, that this plant actually benefits a lot from extra rich soil ( fx. adding root-tabs).
ive got ada amazonia as my substrate , and i am also ei dosing , so hopefully it will take on that appearance in time . thanks for the help .
Sounds fine........ it'll grow like H... in no time, so you're in for continuously pruning and re-planting. Good thing is, the re-planted stems will grow thicker and stronger each re-plant, and thereby closer to pic.
Glad to see a confirmation of what I told you from wiser and OLDER men 😉

Remember that starting your first tank is all about trial and error... and patience 🙂
will be well worth the effort if i can get it looking like that tropica pic 🙂
should i let it get taller before taking the scissors to it , or can i just be ruthless and hack it back to encourage new submersed growth ?