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Pygmy corydoras deaths - update and thoughts

4 Sep 2023
Those who will have seen my previous posts will recall that I was losing my pygmy corydoras despite my best efforts.

After a break, I decided to try again in a 54L, heavily planted scape. I thought with the increased volume, aquasoil, and increased filtration that there would be a difference. Despite the changes, the symptoms (flashing and lethargy) reoccurred and I eventually lost one. After further research, I suspected that the cause was probably flukes or parasite, and treated them with NT Labs Anti-Fluke & Wormer (Flubendazole). Within a day, I saw a marked improvement in the behaviour of the corydoras. All of them are now active and happily going about snuffling in the substrate for food.

Just some food for thought for those who are losing their corydoras to the same symptoms.
Great news! I have also had some success with Flubendazole, treated in water and a food mixture.
Interesting, as we have tried raising two different batches of pygmy corys in the last few years and all faded away save one which has grown to full size and is in good health.

Would have liked to introduce some more but not really possible as looking at the NT site it does say Flubendazole will kill Shrimps and Snails, so it would mean loosing all our Cherries.