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Purigen inside BioMaster 250, where?


20 Aug 2020
Hello everyone

I’m using Seachem Purigen 100ml pre-packed sachet in my Oase BioMaster 250 (with 850 head) to remove mainly tannins from the water. I’m keeping it in the top basket under thin brown foam. But this makes the top basket mesh cover slightly popped up. I don’t have any issues with doing so but somehow this doesn’t feel right? I think Purigen could fit very nicely in the same tray with floating K1. But that tray is at very bottom, so will Purigen clog quicker because of more impurities going through it? Though first of all water goes through prefilter first.

Where do you keep your Purigen inside BioMaster?

I use a 100ml Purigen bag for several tanks. Only for one or two days each tank. It is then regenerated and remains in a jar filled with water until the next use some weeks later.
As I only use internal filters, I simply place the Purigen bag in the filter as the first layer. This works very well. Before the bag goes into the next aquarium, it is rinsed out with warm water.
By the way, warm water speeds up regeneration considerably. In my case, a regeneration with 3 parts warm water and 1 part bleach (2.5%) only takes about 1 to 2 hours. Then rinse with warm water to remove most of the bleach. Before using Purigen again, I make sure that any remaining bleach is neutralised.
Similar to activated carbon let the sponges do the " heavy lifting" then any bio media then the Purigen ,which is a lot more economical to use than act. carbon
That’s interesting cos I’m using original layout as per all filter imagery and videos. So the common sense is to place Purigen as the very last filtration media in the water path 👍
I think the shallow top basket is meant to stay at the top always. It has mesh cover and two pins witch hold whole tower of baskets in plate.
Supermarket Bleach in the UK doesn’t seem very strong compared to what’s available in other countries so I use it straight out of the container. I heat the bleach up in the Microwave for about 60 seconds and it regenerates Purigen in a couple of minutes. I’ve done this five or six times with the two bags I’ve got and it seems fine so far. After rinsing I leave it in a Sodium Thiosulphate solution for about 30 minutes then it goes back in the top tray of the filter after a final rinse in water.
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