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[Product] New style dropcheker

andyh said:
LondonDragon said:
stuworrall said:
ouch thats nasty!! ive had mine deeper than this before but it was on 10mm glass so maybe it doesnt affect that as much as a nano? Sorry to hear youve been the guinee pig but thanks for the tip 🙂
Yes forgot to mention I am using the smallest version for 4mm glass.

will watch out for it, i use the 6mm and the 10mm no problems yet.


Do not fill the tank that much. 2 cm is fine and as a bonus you will have less shrimp escape and fish jumps 😉
No prob with these stuff we are using a bunch of them.
I had a test with it last week on one of our larger tank 90P and 120P. Lovely piece probably looks the best on the side of the tank externaly.

However the pipe is not too large. The whole DC not too large too.
So if your open top tank water level is down, the DC will not work this way. This also happens at summertime when the water level drops quickly.

Of course this works nicely inside the tank, but looks better outside. So there's the decision, to keep the water level a bit higher and risk fish jump and amano shrimp escape or keep it a little lower and just live with that, but then no nice DC outside of the tank.

Looking forward to your experiences too of course.

otherwise a nice piece of thing and a perfect glass work just like any other CAL stuff.