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problems with lilaeopsis.


8 Dec 2013
I have some problems with lilaeopsis. The new leaves is getting yellow or brown and looks week. And old leaves groving with green spot alge.
I tested whater it's olmoust perfect. Ferts EI salts micro and macro, colombo fe 1x in whater change co2 30 ppm. and whater change one time in week 30-40%. Lamps giesmann super flora 39w x2 9 h in day time. I have also monte carlo carpet its growing crazy. And Christmas moss growing well. So i don't understand why lilaeopsis is not🙁
How big is your tank? 78W lights on for 9 hours seem to me that you are giving too much light to your tank. Even if you disregard the wattage, as far as I am aware not many people use 9 hours for their photo period, I myself use 5-6 depending on if I remember when to switch it off. I have a 30L with 14w of lights and a thick blanket of duckweed floating in my tank dimming the lights quite a bit and I can grow lilaeopsis albeit slowly. Consider reducing your light and since your running high tech, make sure their is some flow around your carpet so that the CO2 gets distributed properly.
it's 180l aquarium. Before I whas run 2x 39w lamps 8 h and 6x39w for 3h. But now least 1, 5 month 2 lamps. I have a willy good flow. JBL Cristalprofi 1500 1400 l/h and eheim stream ON 2400 L/H and co2 gas going in to eheim pump and cover all aquarium.
It seems that you have all parameters pretty good.
Just to know:
Temperature of water?
When and how did you plant Lilaeopsis? Did you planted at the same time as the others mentioned or before?

Note: Not all plants are obliged to do well as others, and that doesn´t mean something´s wrong with the aquarium. Simple the mother nature could play a trick, or the plant could have been for too long period in the shop, or be planted right after a water change etc.

I have an Echinodorus Quadricostatus in my tank, that no matter what i do is always with the leaves kind of a little transparency. And i have replanted runners over and over for the past 6 months in different locations inside the tank, (with shadow on it, other runners with more light on in, others right next to te diffuser, others in a place with more flow, others with less flow etc etc.. ) and still is always the same.

I do also have 2*39W in a 100 liter tank with 6500 K + 4000 K, tried other combinations such as 6500 k+ 8000 k or 8000k + 4000 k and, allready reduce and increased the distance of the light from the water and do many other things.

It´s not an issue with the tank. Can´t be. Just like you all my other plants are fine. This one... is a tricky blahblahblahblahblahblahblah..

So, let it grow, don´t trim it now, and wait to see if new leaves apear.

Or try someting as i did with different locations.

If doesn´t work get it out buy a new one and try again. Don´t waste to much brain on it.

If the problem was extended to more plants it was another issue. As it is focused only with that babe i woudn´t care too much.

Best regards.
In my experience, Lilaeopsis is one of those plants, that really don't appreciate high light-intensity (likely due to inadequate CO2 uptake). If I use it in high-energy tank, it will usually thrive better in lightly shaded areas - just like Anubias.
The ones growing out into "full sun" will get a bit "cripled looking" and attacked by GSA.
- it will tolerate quite a lot of being moved around, so like Paulo suggest; try removing parts to different locations and conditions.
Tnx for info. I cannot remove part's to other places, i haw carpet all over aquarium. I whas plant them after half year After aquarium start.
It's not a first time when it's not growing. Also in my other aquarium whas same problem. And its whas difrent setup. Maybe this plant it's not for me 🙂