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Preserving plants until light fixture comes


30 Sep 2011

I have everything setup and I am now awaiting for my TMC GroBeam that will arrive in 7 days on the 30th. My local pet shop imported plants since of last Wednesday, the 16th, from Tropica. There are plants kept in co2 enriched tanks and 1-2 Grow plants as well....I can wait until lights are here and then go buy the plants but I am risking not finding any....on the other hand I can go and buy them, plants them and just use a desk lamp for 3-4 days until light fixture arrives.

What would you suggest? Wait until lights are here and risk missing out on the plants or just buy them and use a desk lamp for a few days.

P.S: The tank is FULLY setup with filters, CO2, EI dosing etc etc

There will be no problems for 3-4 days without lighting of Any kind.
Any growth may be a bit leggy but they will not suffer without lights for that length of time.
1-2-grow plants just leave them out of the water and they will have the same conditions they have Always had.
If they are emmersed grown potted plants you could just sit the pots in shallow water and put a lid on the container 🙂

Also bear in mind that when people do blackouts to combat algae this is the timeframe used.
No bother. I have a jar of Fissidens Fontanus in a jar that I've kept in their for a few months without problems. I got Rotala Rotundifolia in my betta tank floating with no problem and I don't open the lights on that anymore due to the window giving more than enough lights on its own.

Having emersed plants floatwill help them to adapt to being submerged too, due to access to the air for CO2. Clive has also mentioned this in a recent thread.
So should I let them float in my tank with co2 and a desk lamp to be sure?
It is up to you any method works. I don't use CO2 but I just throw 'em in and let them float until I use them up. I sometimes throw them in tubs which comes with takeaways and leave them on the windowsill without problems.
You could use a desk lamp if you like but unless you live in a cave it is not nessecary.
Dont worry too much over it, as long as they are wet they will survive 🙂