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Pre made hardscapes

Kevin Eades

24 Jan 2021
Hello all just a thought for the more creative types out there on the forum. Has anyone considered making and selling hardscapes? I have the idea that people could make structures that are glued in place for standard aquarium sizes. Affix the piece to a suitable base board. So all the purchaser has to do is pop it in the tank. I raise this as I would probably by a premade scape if I could. I am not the most creative and definitely not the best with my hands. This means if I have an idea I can't always execute it. If I had the skills I would do it myself.
Hey Kevin,

Sounds like a good idea actually, maybe you could be the pioneer. I imagine the customer base would be predominantly beginners as for passionate hobbyists building the scape is one of the best bits!
That's kind of my point I wish I had the creative streak. I'd be sat all day coming up with ideas. Also kind of my point that I'm sure there are loads of itching fingers out there that want to create scape after scape. I'd buy something off some of the guys and girls on here for sure.
That's kind of my point I wish I had the creative streak. I'd be sat all day coming up with ideas. Also kind of my point that I'm sure there are loads of itching fingers out there that want to create scape after scape. I'd buy something off some of the guys and girls on here for sure.

Also, I know it's not quite the same thing you're talking about but I recently got some hardscape materials from Aquarium Gardens. I had a rough design in mind and knew what materials I wanted. I sent them inspiration pictures and they made a design for me and it was pretty easy to replicate once I got the pieces, I just copied the picture. Albeit I ended up changing the design completely lol, but it's a good second option to what you're suggesting.
Have a Look at Ancient Stone

They sell it completely as depicted... But I guess also like a DIY kit with a manual.
And I bet they are open to suggestions if you have special wishes. With a price Tag...

I’m sure with the hobby being popular you could easily find someone not to far away willing to help or even come up with a hardscape for your tank. I’ve just clicked your profile and see you are in Portsmouth Kevin, not too far away from myself, I enjoy doing the hardscape and would be willing to arrange some time to help out if you wanted, the lfs I use for my hardscape is halfway for the 2 of us could even meet there and use the dojo to get an idea of what you’d like then go to yours and set it up.
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I’m sure with the hobby being popular you could easily find someone not to far away willing to help or even come up with a hardscape for your tank. I’ve just clicked your profile and see you are in Portsmouth Kevin, not too far away from myself, I enjoy doing the hardscape and would be willing to arrange some time to help out if you wanted, the lfs I use for my hardscape is halfway for the 2 of us could even meet there and use the dojo to get an idea of what you’d like then go to yours and set it up.
That is an idea. Maybe after the lockdown then it might be something I take you up on. Also waiting for a visit to some proper aquascaping stores once I don't need an excuse to travel.
I’m sure with the hobby being popular you could easily find someone not to far away willing to help or even come up with a hardscape for your tank. I’ve just clicked your profile and see you are in Portsmouth Kevin, not too far away from myself, I enjoy doing the hardscape and would be willing to arrange some time to help out if you wanted, the lfs I use for my hardscape is halfway for the 2 of us could even meet there and use the dojo to get an idea of what you’d like then go to yours and set it up.

what is the store out of interest?