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Powder Ferts Help


11 Nov 2013
High Wycombe
I need some help- All the powder ferts malarkey is confusing me in terms of making my wallet ache haha.
I want to make two seperate macro and micro ferts- the same ones as described in this thread- Setting up a 'higher' tech planted tank | UK Aquatic Plant Society

I'm not sure what to look for and such- is any powdered potassium nitrate or phosphate etc okay to use or does it have to be aquarium specific?
How long would i expect them to last me on a 250 litre tank in terms of the 'shopping list' described below

I would really appreciate it if someone helped me make a little 'shopping list' - i.e linked a bunch of cheapish powder ferts and such for me.

Thanks in advance
ok thank you guys- i've worked it out to last me 13 months per set, (based on the packet that runs out the most frequently)

Seachem flourish comprehensive is supposed to last me 12 months, am i right in saying that it does not contain all the elements that i need and that the Ei starter set is better?

Also would emersed plants such as peace lilies etc take out a lot of nutrients from the water column?
