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Potential with a 40cm cube tank?


27 Dec 2013
Hi all

My AquaNano 40 could do with a bit of a change around as I'm getting a bit bored of the setup but I keep thinking that I'm quite restricted with a 40cm cube, it's not a lot to work with.

It currently looks like this, this was around 6 months ago


Is there any inspriation pictures or any advice for what can be done? I have a fire extinguisher ready for Co2 just haven't had the money to go for the setup yet and also not sure what light to get or just to get a new tank like a TMC signature...

What can be done here guys?
You can get a CO2 system for less than 40 pounds with an atomizer. But a CO2 tank will mean more work and probably more problesm as well.
Just search YouTube for Nano Planted and prepare to be inspired. Some I've seen you would struggle to realise it was a Nano until they pan out and you can get scale off the equipment