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Posting Plants


29 May 2008

Just a general question, thinking of selling the plants from my two setups as we are in the process of moving house. How do people post the plants without killing them?


Never posted plants but have received quite a lot over the last month or so! I would say the simplest yet effective method is to wrap in damp news/tissue paper, then put in a plastic bag to keep the moisture in and then put the whole thing inside a plastic fast food container/cardboard box. That way they neither dry out, nor get squashed.
Do not wrap into the paper towel/paper. You can underestimate the moisture needed and paper will actually dry plants.
Just put into plastic bag and post.
What piece of fish said. I have tried sending plants with paper towel and they arrived slightly mushy 🙂

I just pluck them from the tank, then bag it and send it off. However I always leave it to just when I am ready to post. Else its withering away if I pick it out the night before and then go post office in afternoon etc.
Just put them in the bag directly from your aquarium, no additional water, paper towel, newspaper, magazine required (anyway it's too dark inside for them to read) 🙂. I've posted dozens like this without complains.

Box will do. I have purchased 22mm self assembled boxes for posting plants. They qualify for large letter and cost only 66p to post by first class. ou can send it in padded envelope as well though box i probably slightly better.