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Pond Pressure Filters


New Member
5 Feb 2025
I've recently inherited a pond in a house move and am looking at pond filters. I like the idea of a pressure filter as they're easy to clean but I'm struggling to decide between two different models. The Oase Filtoclear and the Oase Biopress. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks
It will very much depend on pond size and which type of fish that you will be keeping. For example: if the inhabitants are smallish goldfish then a pressure filter would probably be adequate, if you have or plan to have Koi then you would be better looking at a different alternative.

Provide us a few more details and hopefully we can point you in the right direction.
I think one has uv and the other not?
General advice is get the one with UV and make a note in a calendar to replace the bulb. UV is a big help in ponds.

You can go pretty far with pond filtration, especially for heavy stocking. If you’re going mostly plants and some small fish then small filters like these are ok.
If your going for koi then you should probably be looking at an easy pod or something similar.
They both have an internal U.V.

I have to agree, filter (and pump) choice depends on pond volume and stocking level. (But always get bigger than suggested)
I have and would go for one of these from Blagdon. Filtration media is similar to a static k1 setup, far easier to clean too.
